Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Homemade chicken soup

A pot of chicken soup is simmering on my stovetop as I type. Today I have a cold, and I truly believe there is no better remedy than homemade chicken soup.

I typically begin with a whole chicken, cut into parts, which I cover with water and bring to a gentle simmer. Once the fat rises to the top of the water, skim it off and disgard it. Then add a thinly sliced onion and lots of seasoning: plenty of salt and pepper along with parsley, sage, thyme, dill, rosemary - whatever combination pleases your palate. I also like to add a pinch of tumeric, for colour.
homemade chicken soup & apricot-walnut chicken salad
 I let the chicken, onions and seasonings simmer for about an hour before adding carrots and celery. You may try adding other vegetables such as parsnips, celeriac, leek, etc.

Simmer the soup another 30-60 minutes, then add a whole tomato - let it cook in the broth until it's good and soft, then force it through a fine mesh sieve to extract all of the juices and seeds.

Remove the chicken from the soup and sort through the pieces saving the larger pieces and tossing the bones and gristle. You can add small pieces of chicken back into the pot. This chicken is deliciously seasoned and makes a wonderful chicken salad, too.

Just before serving, add a handful of freshly chopped Italian flat leaf parsely and/or fresh dill.

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