Friday, November 19, 2010

The basics of hummus & baba ghanouj

Today, a foodie friend who had recently made hummus for the first time called and asked for some tips. When I make hummus, there really is no true recipe. I go by taste, texture and what I have on hand.

The basic ingredients for this easy-to-make appetizer are chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, and seasonings. Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender — you can even mash them by hand for a more rustic version.

In an effort to boost protein and reduce fat, I often add 2-3 tablespoons of fat free Greek yogurt to my hummus. I've also made various flavors such as:
  • cumin & cayenne
  • fresh cilantro
  • fresh basil or homemade pesto
  • roasted or freshly grated garlic
Of course there is store-made hummus with roasted red peppers and a variety of other added vegetables. But personally, I prefer my hummus fairly simple.

baba ghanouj
If you can make hummus, you can just as easily make baba ghanouj. It's pretty much the same as hummus except using roasted eggplant in place of the chickpeas. Simply cut the eggplant in half lengthwise and roast it until fork tender, 30-40 minutes depending on the size of your eggplant.

Hummus and baba ghanouj are typically served with fresh pita bread or pita chips. The store-made variety are fine, but I prefer to make mine at home.

pita chips
If you are using larger pita bread, cut it into triangle "chips." The smaller individual pitas are a good choice as well. Open the pitas along their seams, place them upside down on a baking sheet and coat lightly with olive oil spray. Season lightly with salt pepper (and cumin, optional) and toast at a low temperature for 10-12 minutes or until crisp.

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